Background: Tuberculosis disease affects survival among HIV co-infected\npatients on antiretroviral therapy. Prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis in\nwestern Uganda is 15.3% and 7.2% in Tororo, Eastern Uganda. A study in\nKampala revealed Tuberculosis prevalence among immuno-incompetent\ngroup at 10%. To assess the prevalence of Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB) infection\nin HIV/AIDS patients attending ART clinic in Bududa general hospital,\nBududa district, a hospital-based, cross-sectional study was carried out.\nMethods and materials: Two hundred thirty eight (238) HIV/AIDS positive\npatients attending ART clinic were recruited using consecutive simple\nnon-probability sampling on consenting. Data collection guide was used to\ncapture the socio-demographic information from study participants and two\nsputum samples (spot and early morning samples) were obtained from each\nparticipant, and processed using Hot Ziehl Neelsen for Tubercle Bacilli. Data\ncollected was entered into MS Excel spreadsheets and Statistical Package of\nSocial Sciences was used for descriptive data analysis and outputs in form of\npercentages, figures and tables presented. Results: Out of 238 study participants\nrecruited, 14/238 were positive for Acid Fast Bacilli (AFB); giving a\nprevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis at 5.9% (14/238) and the most affected\nage group was between 26- 35 years with the prevalence of 3.4%. More females\n(65.6%) participated in the study than males (34.4%). Conclusion:\nTuberculosis remains a health challenge in HIV/AIDS positive people in Bududa\ndistrict and there is need for early screening of all HIV patients for TB\nas part of their routine and intensification to follow up TB positive patients.\nWe recommend large-scale studies on the trends in TB/HIV co-infection and\nassociated factors should be carried out in this area. In addition, \nwe recom mend intensification of public awareness campaign about TB infection\n in relation to its transmission, prevention and control.